Here at Blueleaf Energy, we focus on responsible business practices across all of our markets and work to continually improve our approach. Guided by international standards and our operational experience, we work systematically to address risks and to maximise the positive impact of our business socially, environmentally, or economically.
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Blueleaf Energy’s management and Board of Directors are committed to meeting the highest standards of corporate governance. We ensure all employees understand the importance of conducting our business in a fair and ethical manner, considering the interests of all our stakeholders to deliver sustainable and long-term sucess. Central to this commitment, our Board has adopted a number of policies and procedures that are intended to assist it and the management to carry out their responsibilities effectively. The Board reviews these documents periodically and amends them as necessary to achieve their objectives.
We have adopted the Code of Business Conduct to guide employees and directors in carrying out their duties and responsibilities to the highest standards of personal and corporate integrity when dealing with Blueleaf Energy, its competitors, customers, suppliers and communities.
You can download the Blueleaf Energy Code of Conduct here.
Protecting our environment for our future generation is critical. Being a responsible business, appropriate environmental performance and social responsibility is essential to earning the confidence of our customers, shareholders, authorities and society and to positively contribute to sustainable development.
Blueleaf Energy integrates recognized international performance standards throughout our business activities set under ISO 14001, IFC Performance Standards and the Equator Principles.
You can download our Environmental and Social Management principles here:
Excellent workplace health and safety of Blueleaf Energy employees and others is crucial to the growth and success of the company. Blueleaf Energy believe that it is our obligation to conduct our activities in a way which do not harm anyone who may be affected by our operations.
This policy takes into consideration the variances in workplace health and safety legislation under countries which Blueleaf Energy operate and recognises standards set under ISO 45001.
You can download our WHSE management principles here:
Blueleaf Energy is capable of developing projects in-house, across all expertise in origination, development, land acquisition, system design and investment feasibility. Leveraging our decades of in-house expertise, we deployed comprehensive and rigourous renewable project procedures to ensure consistency across markets, regardless of the local requirements.
We recognize that the way development occurs has both immediate and long-term impacts. We are therefore committed to promoting world-class standards in health and safety, environmental protection, social engagement and business integrity across all our project stages aimed at delivering long-term value both to our direct stakeholders and wider society.
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